Pneumatic Cereal Seeder Model SCN

Pneumatic Cereal Seeder Model SCN

Product allocation

The Model SCN Pneumatic Cereal Seeder has the peculiarity of having a hopper for the seed installed in the front of the tractor.

Its robust 80x80 square chassis, made of three bodies to facilitate adaptation to any type of terrain, has a hydraulic folding system to carry out the transport tasks.

As standard, this model of machine, has hydraulic markers, reinforced drums, two-row springs and light kit.

This machine, having an independent hydraulic circuit and the distribution of weights carried out on it, is indicated for terrains that for their oversea would need tractors of great power.

The power for these models of machines, is between 120 and 200 HP.

Thanks to this design, it is possible that tractors of a medium power can work with this type of machines.

Product allocation

The Pneumatic Cereal Seeder Model SCN , standard equipment, independent hydraulic circuit, hydraulic markers,  reinforced arms and two rows of springs.


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