Disc harrow Model TL-84 is equipped as standard with rectangular frame 200x80, maintenance sealed bearings, hydraulic opening.
Disks are manufactured with 24 "or 26" and a separation between them of 250 mm. or 280 mm.
From 20 discs, equipped with four support points.
Optionally they can be equipped with rectangular 250x100 frame, bearings on the outside of the chassis, rear transport equipment manual, automatic or hydraulic.
Optionally equipped with lighting equipment (Required for road).
Núm.Disk | Work Width | Profundity Cms. | Weight Aprox. Kgrs. | Minimum Power CV |
12 | 1.500 mm. | 10 - 15 | 770 | 50 - 60 |
14 | 1.750 mm. | 10 - 15 | 960 | 60 -70 |
16 | 2.000 mm. | 10 - 15 | 1.150 | 70 - 80 |
18 | 2.250 mm. | 10 - 15 | 1.340 | 80 - 90 |
20 | 2.500 mm. | 10 - 15 | 1.510 | 90 - 100 |
22 | 2.750 mm. | 10 - 15 | 1.600 | 100 - 120 |
The measures and weights indicated in the table are approximate, depend on the configuration harrow disk and options.
Disc harrow Model TL-84 is equipped as standard with rectangular frame 200x80, maintenance sealed bearings, hydraulic opening.
Disks are manufactured with 24 "or 26" and a separation between them of 250 mm. or 280 mm.
From 20 discs, equipped with four support points.
Optionally they can be equipped with rectangular 250x100 frame, bearings on the outside of the chassis, rear transport equipment manual, automatic or hydraulic.
Optionally equipped with lighting equipment (Required for road).
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